Friday, December 19, 2014

5.5 years

are parting those two pictures:

Amazing how they grow and how they learn.... Twins is a different story, they interact so closed-up - often there is no room for Mom/Dad or siblings..

I wish you all a merry christmas - and if you don't celebrate it - a relaxed holiday season and a happy new year!

Thursday, December 18, 2014


Well it's 2015 and we all get older.

My twins are already 5.5 years old and we have only 8 months kindergarten ahead before they will attend school and become hopefully proud first-graders!
Josie is 8 years old and turns out to be a stubborn, really talented painter, still day-dreaming with a big heart for animals.
Emily is 10.5 years old and already transferring to a teenager. That really scares me sometimes but is also wonderful when you can chatter with her and have vivid discussions.

Happy...sure I have good days and bad days and some days all the trouble and wants of 5 other people feel unbearable - but they also make me happy.
I definitely have to work on "making myself feeling good", not always trying to make everything possible for others - but I am working on it.
We've bought a house, moved, I had to put my dog down after 15 years (still sad), changed jobs,picked up camphylobacter bacteria on our summer vacation which then was no vacation at all!
Then all of us picked up the flu.....
So 2014 was full of events - bad ones and good ones...

Health is one of the precious gifts we can have.

But I am happy! And 2015 is coming, I am curious what will happen next year.